Best Foot Forward Beyond Four Walls

France Summer Packing List : How to overpack and not regret it.

South of France, convertible, scarf and glasses, French Style

When it comes to packing I always go against the grain and never follow advice.  In fact, rather than travelling light I maximize the baggage allowance to the last pound.   Travel itself is so exciting and fun.  Now add to it the anticipation, the planning and the shopping for the trip, it just takes it to the next level.

When we research and plan a trip I find my subconscious mind taking into account the sights, season, location, colours and the ambience of the place. Europe of course is a whole new ball game. European fashion has always resinated with me.  I love their upscale, classy, timeless, well cut clothes with minimal accessories.  Don’t get me wrong as a Canadian I love my yoga pants and the comfort that comes with it.  But I had to live out my European dream.

France had been on our  bucket list for a long period of time.  Amidst raising three children and running our business, we always dreamt of going to France one day.  We had decided when we go, we would rent a convertible and drive the country side.  My vision was complete with the head scarf and cat eye glasses.

When it came to outfits my first thought was that of a polka dot dress. I went on and there it was a navy polka dot dress in a light georgette fabric, and a  very classy cut, staring right at me. And, it was on sale. Voila!!

I absolutely loved the fit and flare.
It made me feel like I belonged here!
And it was so fun and well, flirty!!

Paris weather seems to be at its best in June. I knew we would be doing a lot of walking in the warm, long days. My dresses had to be light, breezy, comfortable and of course fun.

This one came from Banana Republic (outlet). It was perfect for the weather.
Talk about well-cut and well-fitted. I absolutely loved wearing this one from Ann Taylor.
The Louvre museum and Ann Taylor dress
The Louvre Museum was one of favourite places in Paris. Besides, when you feel good you love everything, right?

I was so excited to see Palace of Versailles.  I had heard so much about its beauty and opulence. It certainly lives up to its reputation.

The Palace of Versailles
In honour of this place I chose to wear this light yellow dress that I find so feminine and graceful.
The gardens of Palace of Versailles
The light pink and green floral pattern was a perfect fit in the magnificent Versailles gardens!!

The Palace of Versailles

I did pack one denim jacket (borrowed from my daughter Supreet).  Call me an optimistic but my space was precious and I did not want to waste it on sweaters and jackets.  It worked out perfectly as I only needed to wear it for two evenings.  (The Seine Cruise and Seine walk).

Seine River
The simple, straight cut, no fuss dress under the jacket is also from Ann Taylor!

One of the outfits I throughly enjoyed wearing and felt very chic in was this navy and white (one of my favourite summer colour combinations) striped jumpsuit. The last time I wore a jumpsuit was in the 80’s.  I love the ease, comfort and confidence it give you.  I think its one of my favourite outfits at the moment.

The Notre Dame de Paris
I just fell in love with how it made me feel. I added a red Cross body bag for convenience and easy accessory for a pop of colour
The Notre Dame de Paris
It worked well with or without a hat.

From Paris we travelled to Nice by train and spent a few days in the beautiful French Riviera.

This white and blue floral was so elegant and carefree style for the French Riviera.
It was perfect for freely strolling and discovering the Nice neighbourhoods!

From Nice we did a day trip to Monaco and Village of Eze.   What a gorgeous day and amazing places.  I chose to wear this navy blue and white outfit from RW_Co.

I immediately fell in love with the top but the pants were a bit out of my comfort. My daughter, Suneet, was shopping with me and said she wouldn’t have it any other way. I was sold and I totally enjoyed wearing this classy combination with some pop of colour in the shoe and of course the red lip!

One of my favourite and most memorable evening was our dinner at Mirazur ( a two Michelin Star restaurant that sits at number four on the San Pellegrino list).  Located at the border of Italy and France over looking the Mediterranean Sea, it is a true  gem.   It was the best meal the two of us have ever had.  Each bite was a burst of beautiful flavour and the presentation of each course was a true work of art.  (All thanks to the recommendation of our daughter Supreet and her husband Rob.)

The night view from Mirazur Restaurant.
For the occasion I decided on this simple, classy, black, A-line dress with a string of pearls and black block heel pumps. I love it for the detail at the bottom. Of course, both our outfits had to work well together.

From the Riveria we rented a convertible and drove our way around Provence.  I will always cherish this beautiful time.

I also absolutely love bikes and bike rides.  It just so happened that our hotel in Arles actually had some for rent. Arles is a small,laid back, historical village.  It was the perfect setting for a bike ride.

For the bike ride I wore a black top with the pattered capris.  I was able to shop my closet for these.

I truly love the European linen and hoped to find some dresses at French boutique stores.  After going to a couple and not seeing anything I liked I decided we did not have time to waste in stores.  However, I did find two simple, summery, perfect dresses at H & M on Champs-Elysees.

This mellow, yellow was great for exploring Provence on a sunny day.
This one I saved for the gorgeous lavender fields. I wanted something neutral that would highlight the colourful fields.
And it was so perfect on a crisp, bright day driving through the beautiful, small villages and cherishing every moment.

Here is a shout out to my ever comfortable and supportive Echo sandals.  You can see these in many of the photos.  When it comes to comfort of the feet there is no compromise.  I had packed a few pair but these were my go to pair for ever lasting comfort and support.

Every morning these Echo sandals were either on my feet or in our day bag (for easy access).
Red has to be one of my favourite dress colours and I loved paring it with this beautiful scarf (courtesy a very dear friend-thank you).

I had heard so much about the beauty of France and had dreamt about this trip for a long time.  Planning and living out each moment, each vision and each dream I ever had made it one of the most memorable trips for both of us.  Looking and feeling my best and planning, shopping and dressing to meet the occasion took everything to the next level.  It could not have been any better.

Je t’aime France!! A bientôt…

With Love, 

Devinder ❤️

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July 20, 2018
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July 20, 2018


  • Jessie

    Absolutely fantabulous…you’ve captured reader’s attention and taken them on a trip to France…very well articulated. Hats off to your talented photographer for capturing beautiful moments full of joy. Indeed…la vie est belle =)

    • DM

      Thank you so much Jessie! So glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, I am so blessed to have an amazing photographer. It always makes the trip so much more fun.

  • Sweety

    Paree is one of my favourite city to visit, I absolutely love this city “ville de l’amour”. The last time I went there was on my special birthday (not mentioning any numbers ;-). The opulence and grace of the city leaves one in an awe. You have captured it so well picturesquely.

    • DM

      Thank you Sweety. So glad you enjoyed the post. What a beautiful place to celebrate your special day. I am sure you have some amazing memories from the “City of Love”. It is certainly a place one would love to visit more then once. Thank you for your feed back.

  • Namrita

    Aunty, you look lovely in each picture. Looks like a wonderful trip!

    • DM

      Thank you so much Namrita! It was an absolutely wonderful trip!

  • Maninder Grewal

    For me it is like an awestruck child looking at your pics and reading the caption. Now you have ignited the spark in me to visit these places too. Will you be our guide?
    And kudos to the photographer who captured the beauty among beautiful lady- Madame

    • DM are the sweetest my dear. Of course, I would love to go with you anytime. It would be so fun. Yes, I am definitely keeping this photographer around. He is a pretty cool guy.

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