The Ordinary Extraordinary

It doesn’t matter what part of the world or what kind of family each of us has grown up in. All of us are taught to clean our bodies,  our teeth, our rooms, etc., etc. As adults we form routines for cleaning our homes, our vehicles, our backyards and whatever else that is important to us.  But how many of us have ever been taught to clean our minds?  Has anyone ever said your mind is too cluttered, you should do some spring cleaning?  Or that you are a hoarder and that is harmful for your brain? Of course not! In fact, as a society we are so good at imposing expectations and judgment upon each other but nothing beyond that.  As a result, we all hold on to and accumulate grudges, anger, blame, guilt and fears over the years.

Our Overloaded Brains:

This cluttered, overloaded brain causes stress, anxiety and depression. The only solution is to take charge of our brain.  The sooner we start taking responsibility the better and happier lives we will lead.  We don’t need a lot of time, just a lot of commitment and awareness.  Are you in? Great!  Pick a specific time of the day that will work well for you and can provide consistency  (this helps you to establish a routine).  It can be first thing in the morning (this is what I do), in your vehicle, at your desk or before you sleep.

Here is the “5 Minute Daily Brain Cleanse”:  

Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and look deep inside you.

Let Go of a Grudge and make room for forgiveness: 

Our brain tricks us into thinking that holding a grudge against someone who did us wrong somehow holds the other person accountable. We think this will help us heal from the pain they caused.  Nothing is further from the truth.  The resentment and anger caused by the grudge will slowly rot creating nothing but poison inside us. It blocks the flow of energy and deprives us of the love we are otherwise capable of giving and receiving.  So look deep inside and forgive someone today.  (You never have to associate with this person ever again if you choose not to).   Just let it go and send them your love.  You will find as you start to forgive others it will also become easier to forgive yourself (that is so very important.)  Replace a grudge with forgiveness.




Stop the Blame Game and take responsibility:

We are born into certain situations and life does not always treat us how we think it should.  When we feel small, inadequate or unsuccessful we tend to blame and hold others (especially our parents or other authority figures) responsible.   The truth is everyone in our lives always did the best they knew how at the time.

Once we are adults, we need to take charge and responsibility of our own decisions and our own happiness.   Even if at times we do what is expected of us remember we have the power to make a different decision.  Blaming others gives us an excuse not to hold ourselves accountable.  If you are blaming someone think again.  Place yourself in their shoes, understand their circumstances and let compassion be your guide. Focus on all the rights they did, not the wrongs.  Let your heart and mind be freed. Replace blame with compassion and love.


Let go of your worries and trust everything will fall into place:

Worry serves no purpose yet occupies a lot of space in our brain, causing fear and anxiety. Think of two things that repeatedly worry you.  If what worries you is beyond your control, let it go and have trust that everything will fall into place. Just like the flowers blossom so effortlessly, life will happen without us trying to control it. So many of us worry about the well being of our loved ones, even though we know this is beyond our control. Instead we should make it a practice to pray and be grateful for their well being. Replace worry with gratitude.

If what worries you is in your control then make an action plan.  Work on this plan each and everyday.  Replace worry with commitment.


Do not compare yourself to others:

We are all born unique and each of us have our own  journey.  The only person you should compare yourself to and strive to be better than is the person you were yesterday.  Start to observe and become aware of the things you do not like about yourself.  Make a list, set goals for self improvement and take small steps.  Each time you do something you are not happy about, visualize it again and correct your behaviour.  Also, don’t forget to celebrate your little achievements and accomplishments.  We tend to keep looking forward but forget to acknowledge how far we have come. Replace comparison with self-goals and small celebrations.


Gratitude Practice and  ” I am affirmations”:

What we whisper to ourselves is what our ears hear about us.  Soon it becomes our belief system. Gratitude can be the one single factor in turning our lives  around.  We often over look our blessings focusing too much on all the negative aspects of our lives. (Do also read Gratitude -The Ultimate Practice.) Think of 3 things (or  5 or 10, no one is stopping you) that you are grateful for. Things that are a true blessing.  These don’t have to be big things.  In fact we have to learn to be grateful for the small things that we often overlook.

(P.S Don’t forget to be grateful for your amazing body, your capable mind, your compassionate soul and your immense unique talents.)





Follow your gratitude practice with “I am affirmations.”  Say to yourself that which you already feel and that which you wish to invite into your life:

For example:

I am blessed..

I am healthy..

I am loved..

I am happy..

I am wealthy…

I am….(fill in your own blank)

Once again remember what you whisper to yourself is what will show up in your life.

This simple 5 minute routine can change your mindset, clear your brain, get rid of all that no longer serves you, and turn your life around.  It gives you a chance to recharge, reorganize and thoroughly clean your mind and open up a whole new world of possibilities.  Happy cleaning friends!

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August 2, 2018
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August 2, 2018


  • Saji

    I absolutely loved this Devinder! You have shared some powerful information! Xox

  • Sarbjeet Somra

    Devinder,read some of your articles and they are all amazing. Many of the things in the last one 5 minuets cleaning are always in mind and try to overcome out of them but it is really very hard. Will try to practice more as we really need it at this stage of life.

    • DM

      Thank you Sarbjeet. I am so glad you are enjoying the articles. Yes, you are right it is difficult but certainly doable. Being aware, forming a habit, keeping a journal and reading these kinds of article repeatedly will make the process much easier. Keep up the work and lets all connect and help each other.

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