The Ordinary Extraordinary

2020: A Call for our own inner work

The year 2020 may be one of the most significant years in modern history. We are living through one of the toughest times the human race has ever faced. African-American community leaders have dubbed this moment a “double pandemic”. Along with Covid-19, the racism epidemic has surfaced in its ugliest form.

We, as individuals, can not look upon this as someone else’s problem. These challenging times call upon us all to take a look at our own house. It is time to make some changes to our way of being.

Racism is only one form of prejudice. We all, on a daily basis, have many prejudices that we practice without thinking. How we conduct ourselves is what our children learn. Our home environments then get projected into the world. This is how powerful each of us are.

That is why it is the time to begin those uncomfortable conversations at home. Do we derive our self worth from feeling superior to others because we are a certain colour, race, religion or class? Do we teach our children to judge and stereotype others based on our own ignorance and biases? Are we living out our fears and passing them on to our children?

A poem about human equality and oneness.  2020 demands that we wake up to this reality.
We are all equal, we are one

If, by God’s grace, we are born into better circumstances do we judge those who aren’t as fortunate? Being more educated, having more money, being a lighter colour or belonging to a certain religion does not make us better humans nor does it give us the right to judge those who may be different.

Our prejudice is widespread. We judge and dislike others for being heavier, shorter, taller, quieter, louder, stronger, darker, paler, single, without a child, focused on career, not working, working too much, etc., etc. Basically anything that is different than what we believe to be right. We learn to think our way of being is the only way of being.

This world is beautiful because of its different colours, cultures, beliefs and traditions. Why then do we want to put everyone into the same mold?

It’s because we have been taught to feel better about ourselves by putting others down. This is how we have learnt to find our self worth. And this is what really needs to change.

Our self-worth needs to come from the fact that we are God’s greatest creation. We are all unique and we are all different. Our purpose on this earth is to evolve through loving and serving others.

Why then do we waste our lives hating, judging, criticizing and fearing those different than us? Why are we living lives that are so far from our real purpose?

The year 2020 has come as a wake up call to us all. It is not a year to be erased, it is a year to be awakened. It is an opportunity to have a good look at who we really are. It is time to observe and learn about our own values and habits. It is time to pause, realign and pledge to be better humans and to raise better humans.

We may have come a long way in terms of comforts, conveniences, and scientific creations but as a human race we have failed drastically in understanding the basic truth. The truth that we are all the same, we are equal, we are one. That is the biggest failure of mankind.

We are all born into our own unique circumstances and each of us struggles to navigate through these circumstance. Imagine a world where everyone supported each other through their journey. I am reminded of “Imagine”, a song by John Lennon

You may think you are too small to make a difference. Believe me, what we all project into the universe with our thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs is creating our legacy for humanity. What part are you playing in that legacy?

Every challenge in life gives us an opportunity to grow. This double epidemic of year 2020 is here to let us do the hardest work of them all. The work we need to do on ourselves, the inner work. This work will allow us to see our own light. The kind of light that does not need to dim others in order to glow.

(Dawn Awaits – Seizing Opportunity Amidst Darkness

Let us embrace the opportunity 2020 is giving us to challenge ourselves and the world around us. Let this be our wake up call.

May your light shine bright enough to see the light in others.

With love,

Devinder 💖

Photo credit: Pixabay

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June 4, 2020
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June 4, 2020


  • Michelle

    Beautiful post! I think it’s time we all start coming together and put an end to the hate. I don’t think we should be trying to erase the past, though. I think we should be learning from it instead and moving on. This is something that has been going on for far too long.

    • Devinder Maan

      Thank you Michelle. I agree whole-heartedly, our past gives us the biggest life lessons. We need to remember, learn and move forward 💖.

  • Sukhdeep Gill

    You captured the essence of the ways we need to introspect so beautifully. ❤️

  • Rami

    beautiful blog as ever!it is a wake up call for all of us to fight against all challenges and appreciate all things which god has created for us!

    • Devinder Maan

      Thank you so much Rami. Always appreciate your positive feed back 💖.

  • Gina Santamaria

    This is absolute gold, Devinder!! Very inspiring.
    “It is not a year to be erased, it is a year to be awakened.”
    Wow. What a different way to view this sucky year!!! ❤️

    • Devinder Maan

      Thank you so much Gina. Your feed back means a alot. Thank you also for sharing the article. We all need to do what we can to bring awareness and raise the human consciousness. Thank you again 💖

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