Best Foot Forward

Transitioning a winter wardrobe into spring

pink dress

I firmly believe what we put into the world is what comes back to us.

How we present ourselves to the world around us and essentially the universe then is of utmost significance. No, I am not promoting fashion in any way.  In fact, fashion is what is available to us and we must take the responsibility of turning it into our personal style.  Personal style then is not about designer names, expensive clothes or high heels.  It is about creating a look for yourself that gives you confidence, comfort, and sense of pride.

We can’t expect the world to give us respect, love, and acceptance if we don’t start by giving it to ourselves first.  If we show up for life confused, messy and half-hazard how can life be orderly, harmonious and organized?  We have to make the time to shop, plan and each morning take a few extra minutes to put on the right armour for the day.  (When I was working full-time I actually loved to pick out my outfit the night before).  It may be our favourite yoga pants and sneakers,  fun dress or sophisticated business suit. All depending on what we are planning and expecting the day to bring our way.

For me personally,  shopping has to be a leisure activity; casually finding pieces I love and getting excited when the opportunity shows up to wear them. I also love nothing more than finding good value. Why pay full price when you can find things on sale, is my philosophy.  But I must confess once in a while I do fall in love with a piece and all wisdom goes through the roof.  And somethings just have to be in a girl’s closet and are worth planning and budgeting for.  Right?

I would every now and then like to take the opportunity to share some of my favourite looks and pieces.   Shopping, planning, dressing, grooming, uplifting and admiring each other is such fun part of life for us girls.  I absolutely love that about being a woman.  The bonus is that life also treats us well when we put our best foot forward.

Here is to my very first fashion post: Transitioning a winter wardrobe into spring

Spring is my absolute favorite time of the year.  I love to pull out my pastels and light dresses when the beautiful cherry blossoms come to full bloom.  This year our spring has been cooler than normal (seems to be the trend everywhere).  I wasn’t about to let the damp weather dampen my spirits. My favourite way to transition into spring fashion is to pair my pastel pieces with lighter winter coats.

Dress – Melanie Lynne, Jacket – Laura, Shoes – Coach, Purse – Kate Spade, Glasses – Gucci

It was my older daughter (Supreet’s) bridal shower and I was not hundred percent convinced about the dress I had ordered online.  Two days before I was still hopeful on finding something timeless and classy.  I happen to walk into Melanie Lynne and fell in love with this dress.  It was perfect for the occasion.  It has now become one of my favourites in my closet.

Going out on a colder spring day I paired it up with this light, yet warm jacket from Laura.  I was out shopping with my younger daughter and she spotted it for me and insisted I buy it (thank you, darling).  The wedge heel shoes, purse, and glasses are staples from my closet.  The necklace came from my joint collection with my lovely daughters.  It’s so much fun putting together an outfit from your own closet. The perks of being a woman.  I absolutely love it…don’t you?

With Love 💖

Devinder Maan

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April 19, 2018
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April 19, 2018


  • Pushpinder Grewal

    Your article again is very interesting and inspiring. I love dressing up too but always have a fear of being overdressed. Spring is definitely a very beautiful time of the year!

    • DM

      Thank you Pushpinder. I know how you feel but I love what Oscar Wilde said, “You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” As long as you carry it with confidence. Besides its a short journey lets live it up and make ourselves happy.

  • Rami maan

    Spring is one of the best seasons of the year. It always gives me feeling of happiness as I get rid of heavy winter jackets. Lighter clothes and beautiful weather brings new ideas and long walks outside. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.

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