The Ordinary Extraordinary

Beginners guide to meditation

“One conscious breath in and out is a meditation,”- Eckhart Tolle.

My previous posts on gratitude, self-care, and self-realization would not be complete without adding a post on meditation.   The practice of meditation is one single habit that can help us achieve all of the above and lead happier and more fulfilled lives.  Consistently setting aside 20 minutes a day can improve our physical and mental well being and help us make the ordinary, extraordinary.  (Please don’t let the time be your deterrent, you can start with 5 minutes a day and you will be surprised at your own craving for more.)

For most of us meditation is an overwhelming and complicated process.  We tend to think it is a ritual of the divine or spiritual beings.  Many unanswered questions keep us from beginning this daily habit that has been proven time and again, over centuries to be immensely beneficial.  I hope this post can help answer some of the questions and help you in committing to this daily practice.

What is Meditation?

“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there – buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.” – Deepak Chopra

It is therefore essentially learning to release ourselves from the clutter and control of our mind and connect with the “real” self.  Practiced over time this helps us live more consciously and in the moment.


Why Meditate?

Here are some of the key benefits of meditation

  • Helps reduce stress and anxiety
  • Enhances self-awareness and self-esteem
  • Enhances emotional well-being and mood
  • Enhances decision making and problem solving skills
  • Improves focus and clarity
  • Improves patience and understanding
  • Slows down aging
  • Improves memory
  • Helps manage pain
  • Helps improve the immune system


How to Meditate?

There are various meditation techniques available but I think its important to keep it simple and uncomplicated.

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath” – Amit Ray

  • Sit or lie in a comfortable position
  • Close your eyes. 
  • Take a few deep breaths
  • Turn on very soft instrumental music.  (I have attached some options at the end.)
  • Relax
  • Breath normally.
  • Focus on your breath.  Simply in and out.
  •  You will have different thoughts. Do not try and control them.  Simply observe them without judgement.  I often use the simile of a walk in the park.  When we walk we see many other people in the park but we don’t stop and engage in a conversation with them.  Similarly we don’t not engage with our thoughts. Just let them be. Become an observer. Breath normally and focus on your breath
  • Your focus may get disrupted every now and then.  Thats ok just forgive yourself and bring your focus back to your breath..
  • Be patient and be consistent.

When to meditate?
  • As a beginner find any 20 minutes in your day – anytime of the day.  Again, don’t let the 20 minutes intimidate you.  Start with 5 minutes and work your way up.
  • Slowly bring consistency.  Same time, same place, same music and same breathing. You got this.
  • As you get comfortable try and start your day with meditation.  Wake up 20 minutes earlier then you need to.
  • Make it a habit.
  • As you become comfortable, in addition to your morning meditation, take a few minutes to focus on your breath whenever you find yourself under stress, making an important decision, etc.

What to Expect?
  • Expect nothing. Just learn to be present.
  • Focus on your commitment and consistency




“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you’re too busy then you should sit for an hour.” Old Zen saying.

Happy Meditating friends!!


Here are some 20 minutes meditation music options:

Guided Meditation:

A lot of people do enjoy and find it easier to do guided meditation.  There are a lot of Apps available on smartphones as well as some options on Youtube.  I personally have not used any of these option but have heard a lot of good things about them.

Some examples of Apps on smartphones:



Youtube options:


Happy Meditating Friends..

With Love, 

Devinder ❤️




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