Guests in my kitchen – Thanksgiving edition.

As September gets ready to roll into October and the leaves start to become a symphony of flamboyant colours my heart is filled with joy.  It is just about time for our Canadian Thanksgiving.  Its my absolute favourite holiday and celebration.  To see the whole nation set aside a weekend to celebrate and appreciate all that is so sublime and beautiful in our lives is magical.

If you have been reading the blog you know what a big proponent I am of living with gratitude.  As I stated to plan the blog posts for October I naturally had to put everything else aside and focus on thankfulness.  Its so easy for all of us to be grateful when something wonderful happens in our lives.  However, the real magic begins when we start living with gratitude at all times (yes, even the most challenging ones).  The goal is to have our actions resinate thankfulness in every moment.

Of course, this takes commitment, practice and constant reminders.  Thats exactly why we do this together.  When I came across this beautiful Podcast I was so excited to share with you all.

The guest in my kitchen today is a delightful, 91 year old, Benedictine monk, and author Brother David Steindl-Rast in a heart warming conversation with one of my favourite teachers, Oprah Winfrey.  I love this podcast so much that I have listened to it over and over again.  I sincerely hope you will also take the time to listen with an open heart.

My recipe for this post is an apple pie.  Apple?  Why not pumpkin, you ask.   Well,  my family, especially my husband loves apple pies.  Every time I bought a pumpkin pie from the store I also picked up an apple one for him.  Besides, delicious B.C. apples are just as ready for harvest as pumpkins at this time of the year.

I have always loved baking cakes but pies somehow always intimidated me.  Last year, however,  I actually had the time and the inclination to give it a try.  I found this recipe on Pinterest that is both easy and delicious.  I felt like a real baker as my husband literally licked his plate.  Hope you give it a try this Thanksgiving.


Here is the link to the recipe:


“The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and serene lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowered fields, and sandy beaches. It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day. What the world needs more of is people to appreciate and enjoy it.”

Michael Josephson

Hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving my friends!!


With Love, 

Devinder ❤️







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