Thoughtful Thursday

Let us be the change..

Every single day as we go through life, we all face negative situations. When we have poor reactions to these situations we let a lot of negative emotions into our mind, body, and soul. Over time, these accumulated negative emotions begin to show up as disease (meaning dis-ease) in our bodies. We begin our rounds to the doctor’s office and expect modern medicine to do miracles for us.

We stand tall and blame anyone and everyone for our problems, the people, the circumstances, destiny and life itself. We spend countless hours criticizing people who we think are judgmental, rude, impatient, angry, and down right inconsiderate.

It is so easy to proclaim that other individuals, societies, cultures, and the whole world is wrong and needs to change. And mind you, we are not wrong in making this proclamation. Indeed, the world does need to change. It needs to become more tolerant, kind, loving, patient, and compassionate.

But we, my friends, overlook one small part in this equation. We forget that we are also a part of this society, culture, and world. Therefore, we too are a part of this problem.

In fact, the very solution to this problem lies in the realization by each and everyone of us that we are part of the problem. Just imagine, if all of us chose to focus on the “I” that’s part of the “we.” Imagine if rather than focusing on others, each one of us focused on our own behaviours. Imagine if as Mahatma Gandhi said, we became “the change we want to see in the world.” Just imagine!

"You must be the change you want to see in the world," - Mahatma Gandhi

Back in May, I had the opportunity to be a panelist on Kaur Conversations (a community initiative by the Kaur Project). I had the honour of sitting next to two amazing women. One of them had been ridiculed for not being able to bear a child and the other for being obese. The judgment came not only from society but also from those closest to them. As these women struggled to face their challenges, they were made to feel small and shameful for the way God had created them. That to me is humanity at its worst.

I don’t think these are rare occurrences though. In fact, we all have a tendency to judge that which in our opinion is not “normal.” We forget to acknowledge that behind every physical being there is a soul trying to do their best with the given circumstances and wanting nothing but acceptance and love. We are all unique in our ways yet we all seek the same thing. That same thing is love and validation. We all want it but do we all give it?

So, instead of being a part of the problem, let us consciously choose to be a part of the solution. Let us turn our focus inward and set goals for ourselves to be kind, understanding, gentle, and compassionate. Let us catch ourselves each time we are rude, inconsiderate, arrogant, intolerant, judgemental, angry, or indifferent. Let us be the calm in the storm.

If we become the change we want to see in the world, imagine the change that would come about.

Let us choose to be that change…

Devinder πŸ’–

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July 19, 2019
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July 19, 2019


  • Maninder Grewal

    Devinder, if you were to be in a teaching profession, you would be an awesome teacher. I learned something new today that disease is actually dis ease. Before being quick to judge someone for their actions, you should just walk a mile in their shoes and you will know how much it pinches.
    And YES, we must be a change that we want to see!
    Thank you for taking time to share meaningful thoughts.

    • Devinder Maan

      Thanks Maninder. I actually wanted to be a teacher when I was younger, not sure what happened along the way!! Your very welcome my friend. Thank you for your feedback. Truly appreciate it.

  • Michelle

    I wish everyone could read this. So many people today are causing so many problems, even if they don’t realize it. They need to stop following along with others and change for the better. Great post!

    • Devinder Maan

      Thank you so much Michelle. Yes, the world needs to stop following all that is fear, hatred and separation driven. We all need to come together and spread love, joy and understanding. I truly appreciate your feedback. It means a lot. πŸ’–

  • Baljit

    Amazing eye opener. You hit the nail on the head yes we should be the change that we want to see and compassion is the base and start and end of it all that is why in Sikhism Guru Gibind Singh call the first of the beloved five bhai Daya Singh that is compassion as all goodness starts with some kind and firm of compassion
    Thank you for showing the light and care to share such beautiful thoughts with us. Stay blessed and keep writing. You are making the difference and laying the foundation for change

    • Devinder Maan

      Thank you so much Bhenji. You are so right, compassion is at the heart of Sikhism. All the world’s problems would be solved if only it was at the base of all humanity. I thank you for your encouragement. I sure keeps me moving forward πŸ’–.

  • Charli Dee

    Oh, this is so beautiful!! I agree with the message wholeheartedly! We can always easily see flaws in others around us, but often miss seeing our own flaws. I think if we were to see a recording of some of our actions we would be appalled, and realize we have to make some changes within ourselves too! No one is perfect, and we should all keep growing and improving everyday! Thankyou for sharing this beautiful post!

    • Devinder Maan

      Thank you so much Charlie. Your love and feedback is very much appreciated. You are so right. We all have moments where we are not at our best. It’s so important to stop and catch ourselves in these moments and strive to grow and be better. The world today certainly needs this change in perspective πŸ’–!!

  • Pinky Dhami

    Very well written. So proud of you devinder. Yes, If everyone can try do the right thing.

  • Erica

    If you want to talk the talk, walk the walk as it’s said! Such great advice. Words and actions have to be made in conjunction for change to truly occur. Lovely post as always Devinder!

    • Devinder Maan

      So true Erica. And if we all choose to put our words into action we would bring about the change so needed in this world. I thank you for your love and feedback. It certainly keeps me motivated πŸ’–.

  • Manjit K Johal

    Beautiful post Devinder. Lovely Post of very deep concept, of self actualization, and understanding the deep core of oneself; to self transformation , into what we aspire to see in the world. However, we are all on the journey of lifelong learning, and hope to inspire. the change in others………….Manjit

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