The Ordinary Extraordinary

2023- A year of strong contrasts

2023 - A thank you note!

Dear 2023,

Thank you 2023 for awakening me to the profound intricacies of life that exist and unfold amidst stark contrasts. You gently nudged, persistently pushed, and expansively enriched my soul, imparting the invaluable lesson of embracing and owning every emotion, sometimes experiencing and living them all at once.

From the tender moments of nursing and witnessing my mother’s gradual decline to the elation of expecting a new life into the family; from the emotional farewell to my mother to the serene acceptance of her saintly departure; from the profound void left by losing both parents within eight months to the sheer joy of welcoming our second grandson; from the heart-wrenching experience of 4:30 am surgery gone awry for my husband to the profound gratitude for the convergence of staff and circumstances that prolonged his life; from navigating economic scarcity that surrounded us all to embracing the abundance within my heart; from the unexpected and untimely loss of our beloved, adventurous Harley to witnessing our children gracefully embrace life’s challenges; from witnessing the loss of innocent lives in the world to living the peace that prevails; from moments that brought me to my knees to soaring on cloud nine; from wholeheartedly receiving life’s blessings to fervently giving through The Saheli Foundation; from chasing harvest moon to dipping feet in the ocean; from mastering the management of every emotion within to assisting my tribe in healing the depths of their souls; from creating beautiful visions to experiencing their surreal reality — it has truly been a year of profound contrasts.

The most challenging part of it all, though, was that as a mother, I found myself experiencing every emotion twice: first through my own feelings and secondly, by observing my children as they felt, embraced, and expressed their own.

Reflecting on these contrasts, I’ve always understood their existence, but this year, I felt their impact ever so deeply. As parents, we can tackle any challenge, yet the pain of witnessing our children undergo hardships shakes our very core. Nevertheless, we must learn to step back, appreciating their resilience and the invaluable lessons they learn. Witnessing and focusing on their growth amid adversity brings solace to our hearts.

Dear 2023, I have felt every pain, stood present for every challenge, shown up for every struggle, and honored every lesson. However, what I will cherish eternally and take along in my heart are the moments when those who mean the world to me converged with love, strength, and resilience.

The precious, intimate moments when we wiped away each other’s tears, held hands tightly, embraced to heal all wounds, and shared laughter and togetherness. Moments that truly made me feel alive and filled my heart with gratitude for this magical thing we all call life.

Thank you, 2023, for all that you did!

With love and gratitude,

Devinder 💖

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