Of course, chocolates and roses are delightful but when life throws a curve ball you need a lot more to keep that love strong and alive.
Continued from “Our Bollywood Style Love Story”
(You may also want to read this).
It was this hope in my heart that got me through to February of the following year. Living one day at a time, and hoping for the good news was the only way to get through this time. However, the news I got in February was anything but good.
Due to the political situation in India and the fact that my husband was part of the Indian army, I was informed by the immigration department that they would require a lot more documentation. Our future now lay in the hands of the diplomats. There was nothing we could do about it.
Fortunately, the political situation began to settle in India by this time. We were able to speak to one another over the phone. There is something about hearing your loved ones voice after a long time. There is no amount of courage that can help you hold back the tears. Yes, they rolled down inconsolably. “Just come back. We can make a fine living here too, I promise.” Those are Ravi’s (my hubby’s) only words I remember from that conversation.
Within a week my dad and I were on a plane back to India. Ravi had already left the army by this time and began prepping for a career in civil services.
In the meantime my family moved back to Canada as they were all Canadian citizens and felt this was the right move. Both our families helped on their end to complete all the required paperwork. The days of uncertainty were long and uneventful. One day we would plan to stay in India and the next dream of lands far and wide.

Another 10 months in India and finally his visa arrived. It took a total of twenty months and countless emotions, pains, struggles, courage, strength and prayers for us to set foot together on this beautiful land. The land we would call home and upon which we would raise a beautiful family and built a life of our dreams.

This time, no doubt, was the most trying period of our lives. But that is not the lens through which I choose to live life. It was because of the struggles we faced during this unforgettable time that we learnt to cherish, value, respect and communicate the strength of our love and bond. It gave us the resilience and courage to dream our biggest dreams, together as well as individually. Never did we question the validity of those dreams. We learnt to simply figure out our own part and commit to the process, one dream at a time.

It has not, by any means, always been smooth sailing. We have navigated through raising three kids, running two businesses, building a number of projects together and fulfilling our responsibilities towards our parents and family. All this has brought with it ups and downs; highs and lows; struggles and triumphs and we have managed, through it all, holding onto our biggest truth.
The truth that our love is the greatest blessing and it remains the grounding force in our lives forever and always.

With love and gratitude,
Devinder 💖
🦋 Lets learn, grow and evolve together 🦋
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