Thoughtful Thursday

Conscious living: how its an unending affair

Thought on being conscious
a quote about consciousness and conscious living

Conscious or mindful living, is not a one time behaviour or pattern nor is it a linear growth process. It demands for awareness in every moment. Awareness of how we feel, how we act and how we react. It can help us dig deeper and get to the root of what pains us, what triggers us and what ignites us.

The challenge is that we can be fully aware and conscious one minute and the next we fail and go back to our age old habits of unconscious behaviour. The blessing and beauty of it, though,is the opportunity in the very next moment to rise again. To be better, do better and understand better.

Consciousness therefore is an ongoing affair. One that constantly requires us to be fully engaged and present in our life. One that requires us to take full responsibility of our own life. How conscious are you of your consciousness?

🦋 Let learn, grow and evolve together🦋

With love,

Devinder 💖

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