Woman's reflection in the water

reflection: the best navigation tool in life

Our own reflection and our ability to reflect hold enormous power to help us navigate through this magical journey.

Yet no one has ever taught us to stop and make time for reflection. In the everyday hustle and bustle of life we tend to follow everyone around us in search of the unknown. As per the cultural molds, we try so hard to fit in and achieve what we come to believe makes for a happy life.

“Habit rules the unreflecting herd.”― William Wordsworth

We are taught to fit in, so diligently we listen and we follow. Like everyone else around us we join the rat race with the belief that we will find true happiness somewhere along the way.

Maybe it’s after we finish our degree; find the perfect mate; get that amazing job; have children, etc. The list goes on and on and we keep chasing it until one day we reach towards the end of the road and wonder where the heck we were going; how our kids grew up so soon; why we worked so relentlessly; why we never spent quality time with those who really mattered; and what legacy we are leaving behind.

We wonder, when it’s too late, how we managed to accumulate so many regrets and wasted a lifetime. This wasted lifetime and a legacy of lack and limitations begins to haunt us.

There is nothing quite as tragic, in my opinion, as a life lived with restrain. Clipping the wings to fit in, like a bird living in a cage her entire life, only to wish at the end that it had the courage to fly.

What then is the answer, you ask… The truth, my friend, is that there is no generic answer. How can there be? When we are all so unique and different then we must find our own answers. It is not one solution for all.

“You were born an original. Don’t die a copy”, John Mason.

We must learn to sit and reflect inwards to find our truest self. All the answers we need are found by spending time with ourselves, discovering, learning, and defining our own needs, gifts and aspirations.

We owe it to ourselves to reflect frequently upon who we are; how far we have come; what our blessings and gifts are; what lessons we have learnt; and whether we have grown from the experiences life has given us.

(Beginners guide to meditation. )

We can all so beautifully connect the dots looking backwards. And as we reflect and master connecting the dots in hindsight, we develop a foresight to connect them going forward.

I do offer one word of caution. Our mind is a very powerful thing. It does its job well by constantly reminding us of our negative experiences so we don’t repeat them in the future.

It is therefore up to us to not get swayed by this negativity. We must acknowledge our negative experiences, let the emotions heal, look for the lessons and grow from this place.

More importantly, in solitude, seek all the amazing gifts, uniqueness, and beauty you have been blessed with and learn to embrace it all. The purpose at the end is to discover your truest self and become the greatest, grandest version of yourself.

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words, listen”, – Rumi

Reflection gives us the ability to find all the answers hidden in the depths of our soul. It empowers us to take full ownership of our life. There is no beauty greater than that of a life lived from this place.

With love,

Devinder 💖

🦋 Let us learn, grow and evolve together🦋

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