A very happy International Women Day to all the amazing women in my life. Congratulations to us all on coming such a long ways and constantly striving to move forward.
This year certainly made history as Vice-President Kamilla Harris took her rightful place in one of the most esteemed offices in the world. We all felt elated as our spirits were uplifted and over joyed.
As we celebrate our successes let us not forget the sacrifices of those upon who’s shoulders we stand tall. The countless women sacrificed, tortured , abused, and belittled over centuries by the gender bias. The superiority and powerfulness of men over women.
My soul truly contracts to think how many bodies pained, hearts ached, screams silenced, spirits crushed and tears wasted by this male superiority.
This suffering is far from over for majority of women around the globe. The deeply ingrained cultural belief of male superiority is going to take immense effort from us all if we hope to see it eradicated one day.
While so many are helpless and suffering at the plight of this deep rooted cultural belief, the rest of us must do all that we can to uproot this evil from our world.
What does that mean for each of us?
It means we must all not only understand but pledge to take the responsibility to empower every female in any and every which way we can. What does women empowerment mean anyways? To me, women empowerment is a social responsibility to ensure every female is treated as an equal human being.
It means ensuring every girl is provided adequate support, strength, skills, courage and resources to be the best version of herself without limiting forces or beliefs holding her back.
As women there are many personal changes and commitments we can pledge to in order to move forward.
For beginners we can no longer afford to find solace in victimhood and sympathy. For centuries we applauded our mothers for being martyrs, conducted ourselves as lesser than, and taught our daughters to be submissive and obedient. By doing so we have not only resided to our subordination, but have subconsciously empowered it.
It is high time that we all stopped completing, judging and finding faults with one another. Instead it’s time to uplift, empower, understand, support and truly love each other.

How is it that, as women, we have learnt to undermine the powers bestowed upon us by the divine? We have been given the capability to continue the human race forward. We possess the ability to carry and nurture the miracle of life. We, who wholeheartedly pour our entirety into the next generation fail to own our light. We must not only own but pass on this light.

As mothers, we have to stop to ask ourselves this very important question. We have begun to raise our daughters as sons. But have we begun to raise our sons as daughters?
For way too long our males have carried the burden of needing to be stronger, superior, powerful and in control. Have we ever thought what this immense pressure maybe doing to them?
And last but not least before we begin to make any changes to our outward behaviour we must begin our own journey inward.
We must first give ourselves permission to tap into the enormous power and strength that resides within. The power that will help us own our truth. The truth that we are all given our unique qualities and talents but we are all one. We are all the same. We are all equal!
I don’t mean in anyway to suggest or hold responsible us females for all the issues with gender bias. But I do think, as women and as mothers we have the ability to make a big difference in transforming our world. It is my belief that jointly we have the potential to make this world a better place for humanity.
May the world move faster towards embracing equality. Happy International Women’s Day to all!
With love and gratitude,
Devinder Maan
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