The Ordinary Extraordinary

New Day, New You…

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” –   C.G. Jung 

The one trait that always fascinates me about us humans is our ability to evolve.  In fact, I believe this is one of the key elements to leading a fulfilled life.  I was a very shy, polite and timid young girl with a lot of life inside me.  Somewhere very early on in life, I learned to observe myself (possibly because I was so shy that I spent more time looking inward then connecting outward). I realized I could observe, assess, create and recreate myself. The prospect of a “new day, new you” really excited me.  How wonderful that each day was an opportunity to be a better version of myself.

That moment onwards, I promised myself to find something admirable in each person I met.  I would then try and incorporate this trait into my own life to the best of my ability.  I read all that I could on relationships and human psychology.   When I was pregnant and then a mom I would read every article on the subject.  This certainly helped me prepare for motherhood and its enormous joy and fulfillment.

Like all of us, as life got busy with raising a family, running a business, etc., etc.  I had to find innovative ways of keeping up with my passion. Thank goodness for the bright young children who so quickly adapt to new technology.  Once my darling daughter downloaded Audible for me, I was able to listen to books on my phone and there was no looking back.  Whether driving to or from work, driving my children to school, or different activities or while waiting for music lessons to be over I listened to the most incredible books.

Then came my introduction to the magic of YouTube. With a set of noise canceling, cordless, headphones courtesy my doting husband, I have been able to invite some of the greatest minds into my kitchen while I prepare wonderful meals for my family. This has been a life changer for me.

I am ever so grateful to every person who came into my life through personal contact,  television, film, print and lately social media for teaching me something new…every day!

Photo credit: Saji at

I am so excited and looking forward to who I shall become…

How have you evolved over the years?  What are some things that helped you along the way?  I would love to hear your story.

With Love, 

Devinder ❤️

*This is not a sponsored post.

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March 27, 2018
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March 27, 2018


  • Godly Dhaliwal

    Lovely moments you guys shared. It’s blessing .

  • Rami

    Your post is always positive and intereting it is always good to see your life experiences in a happy and joyful moments

  • DM

    Thank you Rami. Glad you are enjoying the posts.

  • Andrea

    I hear ya – I’m almost 60 – and sometimes I feel old!

  • Joleisa

    I like the idea of looking out for the bs=est traits in people and trying to incorporate them in myself. Well, I figured it out late, so I would say that I am still evolving.
    You know what I really think is admirable? Looking to kids and learning from their open and honest ways. I have been watching an experiment on TV with 4 year olds and elderly people. It is so eye opening.

    • Devinder Maan

      Thanks Joleisa. Its never really late. I think we need to continue the process no matter how old we get. The continued process of evolving is what keeps life so beautiful.
      I love your idea of learning from kids. They are the best teachers and we can learn so much from them.

  • SadiaMuneer

    Love the positivity your spreading through your words!
    Stay Blessed.

  • Sarah Garden

    I have definitely changed over the years. I think age has made me more confident. I also realize that my personal knowledge is just a drop in the bucket, whereas, when I was younger, I thought I knew everything 🙂

    • Devinder Maan

      You are so right Sarah. The beautiful thing about age is the confidence that comes with it. And what a valid point about knowledge. There is just so much knowledge out there. I think we just have to keep learning and growing 😊!

  • Bushra

    You always write so great. I love that little decore above your stove. You look lovely as well.

  • Erica

    What a great sentiment to live by!

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