Thoughtful Thursday

Who Will You Forgive Today?

To fully understand this quote by Lewis B. Smedes is to truly set ourselves free. We have all been there. Knowingly or unknowingly people hurt us badly, let us down and make us feel miserable. We feel so hurt and angry that we begin to rejoice in holding onto that grudge. After all, we need to make that person accountable and responsible for their wrong doing. This person was so…

The Ordinary Extraordinary

Upon Becoming A Mother..

It was 32 years ago this month, although it still seems like yesterday, that I became a mother for the first time. Not only did I become a mother but I became a new me. Yes, such was the impact of this one event on my life. My husband and I were married in India and both of us made a decision not to have a baby until we were…

Guest Posts

Review: Milani Most Loved Mattes Eyeshadow Palette

Hello! I’m so honored that Devinder invited me to speak to her audience today! I’ve been running the blog We Are Glamerus for almost a year now where I live, breathe and sleep all things beauty. I particularly love bringing in-depth product reviews to my readers on everything from lipsticks, to mascaras, to blushes, and beyond. I also write about trends, new launches, and my favorite products, so if you…

The Ordinary Extraordinary

10 Secrets To Aging Gracefully

The hope, excitement and potential of abundant possibilities flowing in the air make March one of my favourite months. It also happens to be my birthday month and that makes it very special. This year I celebrate my 57th birthday. Yes, that gorgeous looking number 57! Why am I so excited to turn 57 and why am I making a huge announcement about my age to the world? It, my…

Thoughtful Thursday

Appreciating Life’s Everyday Miracles!

Life is full of little miracles.

Today on the very first day of spring, an absolutely gorgeous flower bloomed in our garden. The very first of the season. I have been watching the ready to bloom buds the last few days. Today as a couple of them miraculously turned into flowers I was in awe and full of joy. I grabbed my I-phone and took a photo on the portrait mode. As I stared at the…

The Ordinary Extraordinary

Anniversary Give Away

Hello Friends, As I promised last week its time for the Anniversary Give Away. I am truly grateful for all the love and support from all of you during my first year of blogging. As a token of appreciation I am giving away to one lucky winner a gift of the dynamic duo that will literally transform their life. Yes, that is my commitment. This gift contains an absolutely beautiful…