It was a number of years back, at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, that I snorkelled for the very first time. I was fascinated and in awe of a whole new world that existed under the sea. A beautiful world that I, till now, had not personally experienced and was disconnected from. Its beauty, synchronicity, and abundance touched my soul and raised my awareness to a whole new level.
Such, I find, is the process of self-discovery. It is when we learn to turn our focus inward that we realize the vastness and abundance of a whole new world that exists within us. In fact, it is from this place that our life, as we experience it, takes form. Our beliefs, values, thoughts, actions and reactions generate from this place and shape our destiny and how we live our life. The power of looking within has the potential to change our life as we know it.
“When will you begin that long journey into yourself?”, says the great poet Rumi
This journey, however, is not as simple as jumping into the ocean for snorkelling. Before we learn to look inward we have to undo the layers of social conditioning that has forever taught us to always look outward.
For as far as I can remember I looked in the mirror and saw my physical being. The one that constantly tried to measure and live up to cultural and societal age old beliefs. The beliefs that teach us we have to live a certain way; be a certain way; compete with each other; measure ourselves against others; have materialistic success and be constantly in a battle with life that is full of challenges, pain and suffering.
I have a feeling I am not the only one who needed an awakening. We are all taught to fit in, resist when things don’t go our way, be judgemental, hold grudges, blame others, dodge responsibility and let life bog us down. Narrowing life down to the mere size of our existence amongst other humans, we constantly try to fit in and be validated.
How do we break this vicious cycle of living inauthentic, cookie cutter lives? How do we connect to and honour our real authentic selves and learn to live life on our own terms? How do we create a life that is uniquely ours? Where do we find the courage to live fearlessly?
“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.” Rumi
As Rumi says so eloquently, by sitting in the quiet and listening to our soul. Yes, it is the art of being with ourselves in tranquility that we have to master. The art of being with our breath; the force that distinguish between life and death. It is this powerful force that also leads the path to our soul.
It is here that we have the ability to look inside and find every dark corner of our being. The space that holds all the negative emotions including the grudges, anger, guilt and fear. It is here we have the power to create space and let light shine in. Learning to recognize and acknowledge negative emotions we begin to become aware of our inner strength and control.
It is from this place we are able to tune into our authentic self, find inner strength and guidance to honour the uniqueness of our being. It is in this moment we begin to realize that life is not something that happens from the outside but how we react and perceive things from the inside.
We realize the energy, the life force, that flows though us is the same energy that flows through every living being. The energy that creates miraculous synchronicities and manifestations. We learn to trust and surrender to this energy and appreciate the flow of life living each moment as it comes without fear, resistance, guilt or judgement. We learn to step into every moment as it happens without classifying it to be good, bad, happy, sad, painful or joyful. We acknowledge every experience and accept it for what it is and fully indulge in it.
Life from this place does not happen to us, it happens from within us! It doesn’t defeat us it ignites us.
Here is to beginning our journey within…
With love,
Devinder 💖
P.S. If you have enjoyed this post I urge you to share with your family and friends via facebook, WhatsApp, etc. In this world full of negativity, judgement and fear we all need to do our part to uplift and be kind to each other.
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