When I first started this blog, I could have never imagined the amount of love, connectivity, friendship, and opportunity this platform would bring my way. I want to take this moment to thank each and every one of you for not only taking the time to read but also for reaching out and connecting with me warmly and wholeheartedly. Together we can make this world a better place, together we can leave this world a better place.
I have so many thoughts, ideas, and projects that are flowing, floating, and marinating in my brain. There is so much I want to write, convey, and be a part of. However, I find that the month of August is the pinnacle of relaxation. Every one is taking it easy, indulging in what is, and soaking it all in. As soon as September rolls around life swings back into full motion.
I too would like to take this month off from writing and posting so I can focus on staying in tune with my surroundings. I will take the time to fill my cup so that I can be in full swing come September. How will I fill my cup? What is on my to do list for August? Well, you see friends, I am a dreamer, and I dream of many a possibilities.

I may be slightly biased, but with the flip of the calendar to August it is absolutely perfect weather here in Vancouver. The sun shines in its full glory; the temperatures dances between 25 to 30 degrees Celsius; the ever so slight breeze adds just the right amount of coolness. There is nowhere in the whole wide world I would rather be than right here, right now! It’s the kind of days where no effort is required to engage in this very moment.

I plan to simply sit and soak it all in and maybe pick up a good book for great company. When I am ready to let it all sink in, I will put on my sneakers, take my hubby’s hand (and camera) and go explore the natural beauty that surrounds us. Feeling the soft breeze on my face, my ever so grateful heart will look up at the creator. I will choose to not ask for a single thing but instead be thankful for all that we have been given.
I will cherish the opportunity of sitting with my young son and though I may struggle to pass on all that life has taught me, I will just look at him and let myself be overcome with pride for the beautiful human he has become.
I will let joyful tears flow on my cheeks as my younger daughter shares with me her newest aspirations, dreams and visions.
I will embrace the peace that overtakes my heart as I listen to my older daughter’s amazing travel adventures with the love of her life.
Surrounded by the loves of my life, I would attempt to indulge in my long list of summer to do list that has the following:

- Watch the glory of the rising sun and appreciate the surrender of the setting sun (oh, how I live for these moments).
- Attempt to catch up on my reading list (and its long, my friends)
- Have a picnic under the sun
- Watch the beauty of the playful birds early in the morning
- Camp in the backyard and watch the stars at night
- Hike up a mountain
- Play with the dogs
- Go for a bike ride
- Fully enjoy the upcoming summer weddings
- Spend time with dear friends and meet some new, interesting people
- Strive to improve my yoga skills
- Enjoy more barbecues with family
- Take a dip in the pool

The list goes on. We look forward to these beautiful summer times all year long. They are too precious to let go without creating conscious, beautiful memories.

Then there are those aspirations that fill our hearts with countless joy and give life purpose. As most of you may know I am the founding member of The Saheli Foundation. It is a not for profit organization dedicated to empowering young children facing challenging circumstances. By doing our small part in this big, beautiful world this foundation brings immense happiness to my heart.

Our annual Saheli Backpack Drive will begin in the second half of August. If you would like to make a donation kindly send us an email at thesahelifoundation@gmail.com or simply let me know. A small donation from your side can give a young child facing painful circumstances in life new hope.

We are also planning to bring a big, powerful event to our city in the beginning the of next year. I will be sharing the details soon. Stay tuned for details.
Most importantly during the beautiful month of August I want to teach myself and practice the art of surrender.
As one of my favourite authors, Marianne Williamson, says, “Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. The world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.”
Wishing all my friends a fabulous August with a promise to be back in September. In the meantime here are some older posts you may enjoy.
10 Secrets to Aging Gracefully
The Awakening: A Conversation With Myself
If you like what you read I humbly ask that you share it on your Facebook, Whatsapp, or Instagram. Let’s spread love and joy for that is what the world needs right now.
Once again I thank you for being a part of this little corner of the world and for making it so magical for me.
With love,
Devinder 💖
What a beautiful post! Sounds like you have an amazing month planned. Have a wonderful time and make some amazing memories. 💕
Devinder Maan
Thank you so much Michelle 💖.
Have a wonderful August, Devinder, and I hope you enjoy all your lovely moments with family, friends & nature! ❤️
Devinder Maan
Thank you so much Erica. Wishing you a very happy rest of the summer as well 💖