With the dawn of another magnificent day we ushered in the New Year. A new beginning, a fresh start and a blank canvas to create and manifest that which we hold so dearly in our hearts and dreams.
The most incredible thing is that it is one more opportunity; one whole year to make our wrongs right, to unshed that which we have accumulated and to move to that next level of being. And within that one year, three hundred and sixty five days and within those three hundred and sixty five days over thirty one million moments of opportunity. Over thirty one million moments to become aware, pay attention, create and recreate who we are, where we are going and how we conduct ourselves and our life.

The acknowledgment of these micro moments, as opportunities for new beginnings, is a real game changer. You see, when we set traditional New Year’s resolutions, we look at the whole year and set some wishful goals for ourselves that have no follow up plan, commitment or accountability attached to them. We simply rely on our will power that lasts maybe 30 days at the most. Basically we set ourselves up for failure as we strive to be healthier, happier, wealthier, etc.
On the contrary when we promise to live the year moment by moment we give ourselves the opportunity in every moment to be present and aware. We become conscious of our actions, reactions, commitments and decisions. Does this mean we will never fail, over-eat, be sad, or procrastinate, etc.? No, but it does mean our awareness will pull us out of these negative places very quickly. We will able to hold ourselves accountable for our behaviour and our excitement for new beginnings will keep us on track.
The first step to making any change is becoming aware of our behaviour. Once we learn to become aware, we are able to hold ourselves accountable for our actions. With the new perspective we know we have the ability to change our actions and behaviour in the very next moment. Right?
- If you goal is to be healthy you will become aware of your sedentary day and do something about it.
- If your goal is to loose weight you will have the opportunity in every moment to make better food choices. Failed in one moment, no problem choose better in the next. Easy!!
- If your goal is to be happier you will observe every time you are stressed, upset or impatient. In the next moment choose to take a deep breath or two and start all over again.
- If your goal is better mental health you will acknowledge when you feel negative emotions such as worry, guilt or anger. You may choose differently next minute.
With this approach we no longer have to wait one whole year and pick up our failed resolutions from the year before. Life in every moment is under our own control.
Let us then, with the excitement and exhilaration of a New Year settled, consciously and willingly hold ourselves accountable to welcome the opportunity in every moment to meet life at our very best. For when we meet life at our very best it reciprocates by meeting us at its very best. Such is the unquestionable law of the universe.

With this new resolution for the coming year, I am so excited to meet myself on the other end of this new year, three hundred and sixty-five day and over thirty one million moments. Excited to see who I shall become. Aren’t you?
With love,
Devinder 💖
If you like to take a more traditional approach to New Year Resolutions you may enjoy this post from last year. And, of course, you have to reflect upon and cherish 2019.
Happy New Year to you Devinder! I hope this year brings many exciting opportunities and moments to your life! ❤️
Devinder Maan
Thank you so much Erica. Wishing you the same as well 💖.
Hi Devinder
We were very blessed to see you and dear family during Christmas ! With new year resolutions we are commited to our goals towards our good health and success!
Devinder Maan
Its always such a special time of the year to be with those we all care about. Excited to meet the newer you soon. Keep up the great attitude. Lots of love always!
Very well said, Devinder! I like how you sum up an entire year on how to live it positively! It’s not about resolutions, but giving ourselves the opportunities to live our life in the present and create awareness!
Happy New Year my dear friend! Looking forward to seeing what opportunities and moments will be coming your way! 🙂
Devinder Maan
Thank you so much Meirose for the read and for you feed back. Yes, I am very excited and looking forward to all of embracing the beautiful moments that we all co-create. Much love to you my friend.
There is no other way than opening your arms and welcoming a fresh new year, to new beginnings, creations and adventures that awaits us….
Devinder Maan
To new beginnings my friend and lots of creativity and adventure. Love always 💖.