Hello my lovelies,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with some beautiful moments and unforgettable memories. In a few days we will be ready to bid farewell to 2019. Majority of us, when asked, will express how quickly the year flew by. It all seems like a big blur. Life, we all love to complain, has become so busy.
Of course life is busy. I like to call it blissfully busy! In this modern era of prosperity, empowered by technology, we accomplish in a week what our parents might have in a lifetime. I am not exaggerating. Think about it. From the moment we wake up, in addition to our personal interactions we connect with people from around the world. Whether its face-time, WhatsApp, Instagram, FB, text messages, podcasts, music, travel videos, on-line shopping or ordering our choicest meals and groceries to the door, we have the world at our finger tips.
We can be part of our grand-kids lives from a distance, hop on a plane for the weekend, connect with high-school friends in an instant, meet new people and learn new things with the touch of a button, travel to the most exotic and remote places, live in comfort and luxury, try international cuisines within our neighbourhoods, take the finest photos, and make incredible movies. We no longer have to worship the stars or the royalty. We are all stars and royalty in our own right.
I am sure you will agree that it is not just busy, it is blissfully busy. But one can not argue that with this overload of information, opportunity, and empowerment life can seem like one big blur. It can pass us by in what may seem like the blink of an eye.
In order to fully rise up and meet this fast paced, modern era we have to learn to stop, let it all soak in and reflect upon all that we truly enjoy. We have to learn to live consciously.
What better time to begin this awareness than this time of the year. A new decade is about to begin and I am sure our hearts are as full as the memory on our mobile phones. Let us then set aside a few minutes of our time and really soak in all the wonderful and beautiful things we experienced in 2019. This will help us carry forward the most wonderful moments in our lives.
Write a reflection on 2019 in your journal:
I find it helpful to do this in a chronological order. Month by month write down all the memorable and momentous occasions; trips; interesting people; good books; great movies; new experiences; thoughts; and emotions that stand out for this year.
Remember not all experiences are going to be pleasant. Life is not suppose to be all happy and exciting in every moment. In fact our growth happens during the downturns, challenges, and obstacles. We have to learn to own and acknowledge these moments and let them be our teachers. It is from these moments that we learn to do better and be better.
Let us be grateful for every moment that uplifted us and every moment that threw us down so we find the strength to rise again. Let us be thankful for all that made us feel alive!
Send a note to someone who made 2019 meaningful for you.
In this world of so much connectivity, it is important to make and nurture real, meaningful relations with those who care for us. Refer to point number one and think of all the individuals who made a difference for you. Write a personal note or make a phone call. Let them know how wonderful they made you feel or that you are grateful to have them in your life. We all need to hear this from those we love dearly and we all must tell all those who love us dearly!
Relive the year in your photos:
Thanks to modern technology we all tend to capture more memorable moments through the camera lens than real eyes. And of course, we all love to share them on our social media platforms. Let us sit in solitude and simply go through, cherish and relive the meaningful moments of 2019 with ourselves. This is a great way to etch their significance into our long term memory.
Take a reflection walk in nature:
Being in and with nature enables us to experience the true magic and essence of this universe and our life. Taking the time to breath and quietly feel all that you truly cherished in the past year will put you on a much higher level of being. It will fill your heart and ignite your soul.
Write a note to self:
Write the kindest, most thoughtful and thankful note to yourself. Please take the time to acknowledge your mind, body and soul for all that they do for you consistently and repeatedly day in and day out. Give yourself love, acknowledgement and compassion for the strength you showed; the courage you found; the barriers you broke; and the obstacles you overcame. Be grateful for the unique and beautiful being that you are and that you continue to become. (If you need some inspiration please read this post.)
Our purpose here on earth is to learn, grow and evolve into the best version of ourselves. The only way to achieve this evolution is to take the time to observe, reflect, acknowledge, learn and above all be grateful for this miraculous journey.
Once again I like to thank each and everyone of you for being such an incredible part of my journey. I cherish every moment that you spent with me on this platform and I am grateful for your love and support. Cheers to 2019 friends!!
With love,
Devinder π
Maninder Grewal
Blissfully busy is a Pharase that we should incorporate in our vocabulary. Yes, life is busy but I am grateful that it is blissful busy and thank you dear friend for a constant reminder.
Another another beautiful and meaningful blog! Here, I am sending a note to you Devinder for making my life meaningful for boosting my morale from time to time and uplifting me when I am down. Taking time out and bringing me delicious food ( saag and makki roti to be precise) so that we can chat and spend quality time together. Blessed are the ones who have friends like you. So THANK YOUπ€
βWith a full heart and misty eyes…….β oh I loved it!
With lots of love – A very Happy New Year to you and your lovely family.
Devinder Maan
Dear friend, you made me misty eyed all over again!! I am so blessed to have a beautiful soul like you as a friend. It’s a bond I love and cherish. I am so happy and humbled that you find such value in these posts. We are all in this together. The ups and downs, the highs and the lows all pass when we have people around us who truly care! I thank you for being there for me always. Sending you hugs and lots of love π
Love all these tips but my most favourite is that write a note to someone who impacted you the most. A little not can make a huge difference in lives. What a brilliant thought my friend. Happy New Year!
Devinder Maan
Thank you so much dear friend! Wishing you and your family a joyous and magical 2020!
I love your wise advice on bidding farewell to another year. The idea of sending someone a note who made an impact on you during the year is wonderful. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring and I’d like to live without regrets. Letting those people know how much they mean to you is so important.
Devinder Maan
Thank you so much Michelle. I am so glad you found such value in the post. Thank you for your feedback it means a lot π.
Yes, indeed fair well to another wonderful year of learning and developing ourselves into older and wiser selves. Taking this opportunity to write a thank you for all your kindness and wisdom during the year. <3
Devinder Maan
That is so very sweet of you my friend Sweety!! Thank you for always taking the time to read and send your feed back. It truly means a lot. Here to growing together and empowering each other π.
Such beautiful wods of wisdom Devinder! I started to have misty eyes as I was reading your blogpost. I like “blissfully busy”. Well said! I must agree! Truly with all the modern conveniences, we seem to be busier than ever; multitasking between technologies. Though it would make our life easier. But it’s a choice. Sadly we have lost that personal connection with each other. However, I am trying my best to still keep that connection with family and friends. It may not be as often as I would like due to some unforseen circumstances, but I do make it a point to do so!
I do wish you, Ravi and your children and of course yours and Ravi’s parents a “blissful year”. You truly touched my heart! As for remembering and writing something from each month of the year from 2019, February is yours. It was the month we met in person. I am blessed and humbled to say the least of having the opportunity to have met such a beautiful family!
Yours truly,
Devinder Maan
Aww..dear friend I am so touched. Your visit was so precious and a great part of 2019. It will forever hold a special place in not only our hearts but also in that of our children. Making a media friend and meeting them in person and creating a lasting connection, what a story!! Looking forward to meeting you again. Lots of love to you π.