As a human race we are currently living through one of the most challenging times in recent history. Reflecting on the nature of Covid-19, it is no coincidence that we are having to face this disease at this point in time. This is a wake up call, if there ever was one, for us as humanity to question our being and awaken the soul. It has been a long journey…
COVID-19: Accepting Our Part

In the past couple of decades the world has been blessed with a copious amount of abundance. There has been an immense flow of wealth, opportunity, and information. All that seemed unattainable and a distant dream for our ancestors has been a reality for us all. As a human race we have figured out the mechanics of the human body, reached for the stars, made all information available at our…
Planning an outfit with whites for the winter

“Fashion is like eating. You shoudn’t stick with the same menu.”— Kenzo Takada I absolutely love this quote about fashion. I find one of the easiest and most fun ways to bring joy and excitement into every day life is through our attire. When I was a little girl, I loved to play dress up and that love affair with fashion continues. In fact, I think it has intensified with…
Knowing our “wants”

Hello friends, With the amazingly successful, “Dr. Shefali in Surrey” event behind us I am in that absolute zen place where one feels so peaceful and humbled for how well everything fell into place. (Here is a link if you would like to read more about this event.) Through the process of organizing this event, I have truly come to understand and appreciate Paulo Coelho’s quote : “And when you…
Daily Prayer and Intention

With the unfolding of each day life truly is a balancing act. In our attempt to fulfill our dreams, desires, commitments and responsibilities we have to make choices at every given moment. As most of you know, The Saheli Foundation, is in the process of bringing a workshop on “Conscious Parenting” with a renowned psychologist and New York Times best selling author Dr. Shefali Tsabary to the City of Surrey.…
To new beginnings..

With the dawn of another magnificent day we ushered in the New Year. A new beginning, a fresh start and a blank canvas to create and manifest that which we hold so dearly in our hearts and dreams. The most incredible thing is that it is one more opportunity; one whole year to make our wrongs right, to unshed that which we have accumulated and to move to that next…
Bidding farewell to 2019..

Hello my lovelies, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with some beautiful moments and unforgettable memories. In a few days we will be ready to bid farewell to 2019. Majority of us, when asked, will express how quickly the year flew by. It all seems like a big blur. Life, we all love to complain, has become so busy. Of course life is busy. I like to call it…
This predictably, unpredictable life

If there is one thing we can predict about this life, it is its unpredictability. It was only last week that from my home office window, I looked out and admired the rigid regime of my healthy 85 year old father, as he walked up and down the driveway. Yesterday, he got diagnosed with brain hemorrhage. With the Christmas season being just around the corner, I had it all chalked…
Dr. Shefali Tsabary – a true inspiration

“She is absolutely revolutionary and so evolved that her ideas are really a paradigm shift that can change the world”, says Oprah Winfrey. Dr. Shefali Tsabary has, no doubt, single handily begun a revolution that will change the way we parent and the way we live. “The way to fix the world is through parental evolution. To zone in on the parent, child dynamic is to heal the planet.” Dr.…
Maui: Our 7 Day itinerary in Paradise

That, my friends, is no exaggeration!! From the mesmerizing sunrises, glories sunsets, sandy beaches, warm temperatures and friendly people Maui truly is a paradise. If you have been reading my blog, you know before planning any holiday we like to figure out the intent of the holidays. The world has so much to offer that knowing what ignites our spirit helps to plan and make the trips unforgettable. For Maui…