As a human race we are currently living through one of the most challenging times in recent history. Reflecting on the nature of Covid-19, it is no coincidence that we are having to face this disease at this point in time. This is a wake up call, if there ever was one, for us as humanity to question our being and awaken the soul.
It has been a long journey from hunter-gatherers roaming in the lap of mother nature to modern urban jungles. We have relentlessly pursued our quest for comfort, convenience, knowledge, power, success and more.
While the process of organizing ourselves into tribes, villages, cultures, religions, and modern civilizations has provided us with immense safety, security, and convenience, it has come with one extraordinary price. We, in the process, have sold our souls. Forsaking our individual authenticity and truth we have chosen to become slaves to cultural conformity.
“You do not see me for I am hidden inside the soul. Others want you for themselves but I call you back to yourself.” – Rumi
The good thing is that so many of us are aware of our egoistic, and unconscious way of life . We are aware but we are afraid or simply a little lazy to do the work that is necessary to bring about the change.
We choose not to look inward, unfold and acknowledge layer upon layer of wounds inflicted upon us by our unconscious world. We would much rather accept the superficial joy that comes from judging, ridiculing and separating others.
Here is a post you may find helpful.
Of course, we have our reasons. There is never a dearth of reasons, or shall we say excuses? We all agree we are busy, very busy. We all have our deadlines, timelines, milestones, check lists and commitments.
Who has time to sit and reflect on life? Who has time to really connect with our inner truth? We would rather seek God somewhere in the outer world and play the victim. It’s much simpler and easier. We all choose to become part of this system and become complacent.

What doesn’t become complacent is the universal law of karma.
“The law of karma … is that of action and reaction, cause and effect, sowing and reaping. In the course of natural righteousness, man, by his thoughts and actions, becomes the arbiter of his destiny.” -Paramaansa Yogananda
So when we reflect upon the characteristics of Covid-19 are we really surprised? A disease that crosses every line of separation, demanding a complete halt to what is, offering solution in solitude, calling upon inner strength to persevere and hope in surrender.
It is as if the universe is sending us a fair and clear warning to change our ways. As powerful as we may have become, without the ability to tap into that which resides in us all, becoming conscious of our true being we, as humanity, shall become self-destructive.
Let us learn from this lesson and awaken. The universe calls upon us to slow down, sit in solitude, look inward, learn to appreciate our own uniqueness, reflect upon all that really matters, feel the human connectivity through the heart, tap into the love, and the oneness of it all.
If at this time we all took this opportunity to look within and change our own way of being, imagine the change we would bring to this world. I was reading somewhere this morning:
“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storyteller and lovers of all kinds.” Anonymous
While those in essential services put their lives on line for us, each of us has a much bigger responsibility. Let us stay home and begin the healing this planet is in desperate need of.
“Let us, in this turbulent time, seek the opportunity to remove the layers and find our authentic selves, so when we finally open our doors we do so with open hearts.” – Devinder Maan
Of course, nothing changes overnight except our commitment. We all have years of unlearning to do before we learn anew. Let us begin with small changes during this golden opportunity.

Here are 31 things we can do to begin the process of self-discovery at this opportune time:
- Make a gratitude list every single day – if you are together get all family members involved
- Spend quality time with someone you love dearly – ask not how they are but how their heart is. Make them feel loved and appreciated
- Sing your favourite song out loud
- Look through your old pictures and reflect upon your journey
- Think about your legacy. If you were to die tomorrow how do you want people to remember you? Strive to become that person.
- Make a list of all things you wish to experience in life
- Have your favourite music playing in the house
- Make a list of all that you love about yourself and all that you hold against yourself (discover yourself in its entirety).
- Own, Accept and love yourself as a package…repeat daily
- Talk to yourself everyday and see how you are doing – no judgement zone please.
- Sit and listen to the birds
- Watch a flower blossom
- Sit and relish your favourite fruit
- Forgive someone for an act big or small (including yourself)
- Ask for help.
- Practice self-love
- Set your boundaries
- Do things for others out of love not resentment
- Help a stranger in need
- Dance to your favourite song
- Commit to one goal of any kind for yourself (I am trying to improve my yoga postures during this time)
- Revive an old hobby
- Evaluate what you put into your body and begin making small changes for healthier eating
- Commit to some form of physical movement everyday
- De-clutter your devices, closet, home, relationships, and commitments
- Practice positivity
- Practice non-judgment
- Let go of control, learn to trust and surrender
- Focus on all that is abundant
- Become a reader – books are the biggest source to self-discovery (I am attaching a list here)
- Start a meditation practice (read the whole post on Meditation practice included below)
Books and Meditation:
The last two are so essential to our spiritual journey inward that I have compiled a list of some of my favourite self-development books and guided meditations here.

““We lose ourselves in books. We find ourselves there too.” – Anonymous
I find Audible to be one of my favourite phone apps (no they don’t pay me). Download your favourite book and listen to it while you are outside connecting with nature or making a meal for your family. I hope you lose yourself in these books so you can truly find yourself.

Instant Read:
These are books you can pick up and read at any given time. You can read a paragraph, page or the whole chapter. They will give you instant inspiration and uplift.
- Heart Talk – Cleo Wade
- The Secret Book – Rhonda Byrne
- Practicing the Power of Now – Eckhart Tollee
- What I Know for Sure – Oprah Winfrey
- The Wisdom of Sundays – Oprah Winfrey
Easy Read:
These are easy read books that will guide you on to and through your spiritual journey. They will raise awareness and inspire you to make small changes on a daily basis.
- 7 Spiritual Laws of Succes – Deepak Chopra
- Wishes Fulfilled – Wayne Dyer
- Daring Greatly – Brene Brown
- You are a Badass – Jen Sincero
- The Monk Who Sold His Farrari – Robin Sharma
In Depth:
For more in-depth study and continues growth these are some of my favorite:
- Seat of the Soul – Gary Zukav
- The Now – Eckhart Tolle
- The New Earth-Eckhart Tolle
- The Happiness Advantage – Shaw Achor
- Conversations with God (a sequence of books)- Neale Donald Walsch.
Turning Loneliness into Solitude with Meditation:
Meditation is a huge part of our path to self-discovery. Most of us hear the word “Meditation” and decide its not for us. The problem is too many of us think it’s more complicated than it really is. Start by sitting with yourself for a few minutes simply focusing on your breath. Yes, you will have many thoughts running through your head but that is not your concern. Just focus on your own breath and let the thoughts be.
Here is a post that will help you to get started.
Guided meditations are also a good way to begin your practice. Here are some of my favourite. You can search these on Youtube:
The 6 Phase Guided Meditation – Vishen Lakhiani
Guided Abundance Meditation – Bob Proctor
The universal call is crisp and clear. We need to slow down and re-evaluate our ways. This phase will pass but what follows will depend on the state of our collective consciousness.
When we look back in time and share stories of this trying time with our great-grandkids, will we proudly share that we took the pen in our own hands to change the course of humanity? Amidst the dark clouds, dawn awaits. Let us seize the moment!
Sending love and prayers!
With love,
Devinder 💖
This exhaustive write up is a great read…it has enough to stir the soul n to contemplate on the true purpose of being human…love the quote from Rumi
Always look forward to your blogs
This is an exhaustive write up indeed! Here is everything to stir the soul…love those words from Rumi n your poetry is a treat as always. Yea these times are tough but this shall pass too with the awakening of the human spirit.
Devinder Maan
Thank you kindly dear friend. Your love and support is always so cherished. Sending you love and good wishes always.
Pushpinder Grewal
Just like every other blog of yours, this one is also incredible. Beautifully penned by a beautiful soul! Our thoughts have a direct connection with our physical health and therefore it is very crucial that we do atleast a few of the things mentioned in your blog especially during this time of uncertainty and fear. Keep up the good work! God bless you!
Sucha thind
“ਦੁੱਖ ਦਾਰੂ ਸੁਖ ਰੋਗ ਭਇਆ”.”sweets are the uses of adversity’,says Shakespeare. There is not much to say. Davinder said it all. I need to still read many times to fully understand. I must add there must be something we have done or there is something we have NOT DONE to be in this situation. “Fault dear Brutus is not in our stars but in ourselves that we behave like underlings “says Shakespeare. John Milton was almost taking about similar situation when he said,”awake arise or be for ever fallen.”we are given lemons and LET us make lemons. I am reminded of Ancient Greek commandments; know thyself,love thyself and love thy neighbors like thyself. It is warning to us” stop and smell the roses”. Thank you Davinder for putting together a masterpiece. Congratulations.
Devinder Maan
Bhaji I am so humbled with your kind words. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and always providing such insightful feedback. I truly appreciate it 🙏.
Yes, indeed a great opportunity for us to develop, reflect, examine and reevaluate ourselves as individuals during this difficult time of uncertainty and living in the fear of the unknown.
“Whichever path we may choose, we will discover a newer version of ourselves, our inner strengths, peacefulness and wisdom to move forward”.
Thank you my friend for the great post.
Devinder Maan
Thank you Sweety for your kind words. Absolutely love that. Yes, we have the power to choose and that is empowering 💖 Take care.
True! This is the time to meditate and bring positive thoughts in our lives. List of books which you have shared with us will for sure bring us awareness for our spiritual
Journey ! Your thoughts and knowledge is remarkable! Love to read your blogs which shows us true paths of life! Thanks for putting all your efforts !
Devinder Maan
Thank you kindly Rami. Stay safe, stay positive 💖
As always your blogpost leaves a mark. I could not agree more with all that you said. Very well written. You have such remarkable insight! We do need to be more reflective now than ever and embrace what’s happening in our life today. I truly appreciate all the thought that you put into your writing. Thank you again my dear friend!
~ Meirose
Devinder Maan
Oh my gosh Meirose! How did I overlook responding to such beautiful feedback. Thank you so much. It means the world to me. Sending you lots of love 💖