Thoughtful Thursday

Find beauty in letting go

Let go

We weigh ourselves down by holding onto all that doesn’t serve us. All the worries, the fears, the need to control, the grudges, the guilt, the failures, the let downs, the anxiety, etc., etc. We are meant to go through life experiences to learn, grow and move forward. Yet we hold onto all that happens almost as a grudge against life itself. We fail to realize life owes us nothing.…

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The Ordinary Extraordinary

Expectations: How to let go and simply create one

female image over looking an ocean

It was shortly after I started blogging that a friend had mentioned how I should do a post on human expectations. She herself was feeling a lot of pain for a dear friend of hers who had gone into depression due to unmet expectations. Apparently the friend’s family moved to North America when her kids were small.  She chose to be a stay at home mom to look after her family.  As…

The Ordinary Extraordinary

How to find your authentic self and fulfilled life: 25 thoughts to let go of judgement

Letting go of judgement

Of all the habits we acquire from living within a culture the most detrimental to leading a life of fulfillment, in my opinion, is that of judgement. In the series, that I began last week, the intend is to discover our own truth by unlearning what culture has subconsciously taught us from childhood. We accumulate layers upon layers of habits, patterns and false beliefs that cover, like dust, the essence…

The Ordinary Extraordinary

Gratitude: Let it be your life guide

Gratitude is a word we have all been hearing lately and most of us try to incorporate it into our lives. To set aside time everyday to either write down or think about the things we are blessed with not only reduces stress and anxiety but brings joy and peace to our being. Gratitude is one practice that can truly change the way we view our lives. Imagine how many…

Thoughtful Thursday

reflection: the best navigation tool in life

Woman's reflection in the water

Our own reflection and our ability to reflect hold enormous power to help us navigate through this magical journey. Yet no one has ever taught us to stop and make time for reflection. In the everyday hustle and bustle of life we tend to follow everyone around us in search of the unknown. As per the cultural molds, we try so hard to fit in and achieve what we come…

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The Ordinary Extraordinary

Own Your Story, Your Truth

Own your truth, your story

Own your truth. Own your story. All of it, every part of it! ⁠You are unique, you are beautiful and you are you! There is no one else like you in this whole wide world. ⁠That uniqueness is your superpower.⁠⁠I was a little girl born in a small village in India.  It was the most carefree, loving, and ideal childhood for a little girl. At the age of 10 I…

The Ordinary Extraordinary

2020: A Call for our own inner work

The year 2020 may be one of the most significant years in modern history. We are living through one of the toughest times the human race has ever faced. African-American community leaders have dubbed this moment a “double pandemic”. Along with Covid-19, the racism epidemic has surfaced in its ugliest form. We, as individuals, can not look upon this as someone else’s problem. These challenging times call upon us all…

Guests In My Kitchen

Easy and delicious Indian Kulfi

Indian kulfi in freezer to table stainless steel bowls

We have all had Covid-19 on our brains lately but not all of it is bad news. This time has given us the opportunity to stop, breath and reflect on upon our lives. And if you are quarantining with your family it’s been a perfect opportunity to spend quality time. But let’s be honest, all of us from time to time, feel the over-load in the kitchen. As moms we…

Everyday Heros

Mother’s Day: A tribute to my mother

My mother

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. I am sure we will all be celebrating quarantine style. What I love about these celebrations that roll around once a year is the opportunity they provide for us to reflect upon our blessings. So I have been thinking of the the woman whom I have the privilege of calling my mother. The woman who has been my rock and my anchor throughout…

The Ordinary Extraordinary

My inner journey through Covid-19

Life's journey like upward step never easy but always fulfilling

It seems like ages since I have sat in front of my computer to write that which ordinarily flows effortlessly from my heart. You see, the last little while my heart has been all over the place, as I am sure is the case with us all. March has always been my favourite time of year when so much of nature’s abundance and beauty begins to unfold and manifest with…